Aus Truth-Quark
Is The Ice Cream Diet Another Passing Fad?
Of course lots of people have been interested in the Ice Cream Diet - with that kind of name! Prevention magazine did an article about it, and the Ice Cream Diet's creator flatly states that it's possible to lose weight, get healthier, and eat ice cream every day. In order to determine whether this diet is for real or not, we decided to review it and tell you the benefits and disadvantages it has.
Often the saturated fats that are in Ice Cream are not discussed very much. In addition to the ice cream you are permitted to consume, the diet also includes cheese, meat and fish. You need some amounts of saturated fat to be healthy. Follow the recommedations and you wont be getting a very large amount of saturated fat. The Ice Cream Diet may be a healthy alternative to the conventional diets. This is not hard, and it's easy on the checking account, too. There are meal plans that are easy to follow, and sticking to this diet won't strain your budget, as there are no special meal replacement packets to buy. You can achieve your weight goals by ensuring your daily calories are kept under a target number. Naturally, every day you can eat just a little bit of ice cream. We have no doubts about anyone's ability to achieve weight loss if the Ice Cream Diet's overall plan is adhered to.
This diet is based on sound principles that are no real secret, and the ice cream bit isn't needed at all. You'll also find that even the daily caloric maximums are not unusual and for men they're under 2000 calories each day, and for women they're no more than 1500 calories each day. Of course you're supposed to do some kind of regular exercise routine that will help with burning off the fat. So the amount of ice cream you eat needs to fit, somewhere. It's interesting because you can really eat a little bit of something "bad" for you every day, just as long as you follow the plan - and you'll still lose weight. So, while the Ice Cream Diet can be effective, the name of it is mainly a marketing ploy. If you do the exercise and maintain the calorie limits each day, then the Ice Cream Diet can most definitely be effective to lose weight. This diet, despite its catchy name, is really a sensible and fairly traditional diet based on low calories and getting enough exercise. So, just as long as you follow what it tells you to do, then you'll lose weight - and don't eat a ton of ice cream, ever.
Very Low Calorie Diets - The Things You Must Understand, Determing on a Low Calorie Meal for You