Common Languages - The 5 Most Spoken Languages

Aus Truth-Quark

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There are presently more than 6900 languages spoken on the planet. Some of those languages are only spoken by a handful of people, and they are on their way to extinction just like Latin, dodos, Aramaic, and dinosaurs. If you are interested in studying a language, however, it may be better to choose one of those languages which is spoken most widely, and study this with the assistance of technology which individuals like Common Languages - The 5 Most Spoken Languages know of.

There are a variety of methods to calculate a foreign language, but here are the top five languages based upon the variety of native speakers. Even that is hard to measure, however it's certainly much more reliable than the majority of alternatives.

As the language of Islam, Arabic is a social glue for many otherwise different countries. The Koran continues to be written in Arabic, and it also is a unifying symbol the world over. Additionally, large swaths of the Middle East and also northern Africa speak Arabic as either a mother tongue or perhaps a common language. It's earned distinction as one of the 6 official languages from the United Nations.

By pure human population density, Hindi-Urdu manages to get into the top five. Together with ex-Colony position and connection throughout the English-speaking world, many Hindi-Urdu speakers are also frequent immigrants to other nations. Plus, with the strong cultural and family ties common in Hindi-Urdu-speaking countries, the language can survive for generations within a foreign country. With the growing economic power of India and surrounding nations, this is becoming a frequently learned dialect, too.

Due largely to wide-spread colonization, English is one of the most diverse and spread out dialects on the planet. English is additionally among the 6 official languages of the United Nations, and it's treated as the world's common language. To meet communication needs, nearly two hundred million non-native speakers learn how to speak English to different degrees. This is no excuse to not learn a foreign language, however.

Unknown to many, what we typically call "Spanish" is simply one of several languages and also dialects spoken in Spain. It's specifically Castilian Spanish which we think of when we refer to the Spanish language. Like English, Spanish had been spread largely by colonization. Which means that it is now spoken in several diverse locations globally by many different nations. This wide-spread use has also awarded Spanish using the honor of one of the official languages from the United Nations.

Mandarin is the national language from the People's Republic of China, and as such it may boast a whopping 845 million speakers. Add in everyone who speaks Mandarin as an extra language, and you are looking at over 1 billion people! And Mandarin speakers aren't limited to just China. There are large Chinese communities in many other Asian nations, along with farther-flung lands like Europe, North America, and now even Africa. It's not a surprise, then, that this is also an official language of the United Nations and one of the fastest growing languages in the world.