Aus Truth-Quark
Dies ist eine alte Version. Zeitpunkt der Bearbeitung: 21:25, 25. Mär. 2009 durch Cdek (Diskussion | Beiträge).
Hinweis - Leere nach dem Speichern den Browser-Cache, um die Änderungen sehen zu können: Mozilla/Firefox/Safari: Shift gedrückt halten und auf Aktualisieren klicken oder alternativ entweder Strg-F5 oder Strg-R (Befehlstaste-R bei Macintosh) drücken; Konqueror: Auf Aktualisieren klicken oder F5 drücken; Opera: Cache unter Extras → Einstellungen leeren; Internet Explorer: Strg-F5 drücken oder Strg gedrückt halten und dabei Aktualisieren anklicken.
/** Extra toolbar options ****************************************************** * * Description: UNDOCUMENTED * Maintainers: [[User:MarkS]]?, [[User:Voice of All]], [[User:R. Koot]] */ //This is a modified copy of a script by User:MarkS for extra features added by User:Voice of All. // This is based on the original code on Wikipedia:Tools/Editing tools // To disable this script, add <code>mwCustomEditButtons = [];<code> to [[Special:Mypage/monobook.js]] if (mwCustomEditButtons) { mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Umleitung", "tagOpen": "#REDIRECT [[", "tagClose": "]]", "sampleText": "Dein Text"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Durchstreichen", "tagOpen": "<s>", "tagClose": "</s>", "sampleText": "Dein durchgestrichener Text"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Umbruch", "tagOpen": "<br />", "tagClose": "", "sampleText": ""}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Hochgestellt", "tagOpen": "<sup>", "tagClose": "</sup>", "sampleText": "Dein Text"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Tiefgestellt", "tagOpen": "<sub>", "tagClose": "</sub>", "sampleText": "Dein Text"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Klein", "tagOpen": "<small>", "tagClose": "</small>", "sampleText": "Dein Text"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Groß", "tagOpen": "<big>", "tagClose": "</big>", "sampleText": "Dein Text"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Versteckter Kommentar", "tagOpen": "<!-- ", "tagClose": " -->", "sampleText": "Dein Text"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Insert a picture gallery", "tagOpen": "\n<gallery>\n", "tagClose": "\n</gallery>", "sampleText": "Image:Example.jpg|Caption1\nImage:Example.jpg|Caption2"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Zitat auf Diskussionsseiten", "tagOpen": "<blockquote>", "tagClose": "</blockquote>", "sampleText": "Text"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Tabelle", "tagOpen": '{| class="wikitable"\n|-\n', "tagClose": "\n|}", "sampleText": "! header 1\n! header 2\n! header 3\n|-\n| row 1, cell 1\n| row 1, cell 2\n| row 1, cell 3\n|-\n| row 2, cell 1\n| row 2, cell 2\n| row 2, cell 3"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Flash einbinden", "tagOpen": "<swf width='150' height='150'>", "tagClose": "</swf>", "sampleText": "Pfad/DeinFlash.swf"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Geogebra einbinden", "tagOpen": "{{g}}ggb_applet height='150' width='150' showMenuBar='true' showResetIcon='true' filename='", "tagClose": "' />", "sampleText": "DeineDatei.ggb"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Javaapplet einbinden", "tagOpen": "<java_applet code='DeineDatei.class' height='150' width='150' archive='", "tagClose": "' />", "sampleText": "DeineDatei.jar"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Formelapplet einbinden", "tagOpen": "<formelapplet width='150' height='150' term='", "tagClose": "' />", "sampleText": "Code oder DeineDatei.fas"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Syntax färben", "tagOpen": "<source lang='codesprache'>", "tagClose": "</source>", "sampleText": "Code"}; mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { "imageFile": "", "speedTip": "Syntax färben", "tagOpen": "{{g}}jsxgraph height='150' width='150' board='board' box='jxgbox'> var b = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {originX: 75, originY: 75, unitX: 30, unitY: 50}); axisx = b.createElement('axis', [[0,0], [1,0]], {}); axisy = b.createElement('axis', [[0,0], [0,1]], {}); b.createElement('functiongraph', [function(x){return ", "tagClose": ";}]); {{g}}/jsxgraph>", "sampleText": "x"}; }