Eco friendly Farming Strategies are Crucial

Aus Truth-Quark

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Sustainable agricultural practices are crucial to feeding a growing and voracious international people.

Farmers all through Australia clearly recognise the need for sustainable agriculture. In short, sustainable farms direct to some sustainable business which can be handed down through generations. There exists a robust argument for a business-established environmental stewardship system which recognises sustainable agriculture methods. While environmental groups, producer bodies and regional groups in Australia have filled the opening, an umbrella environmental stewardship plan would be favorable.

Fertilizers manufacturer, Notore, which was launched in 2005, is championing Africa's green and food revolution. Many third world nations need to follow suit. Jite Okoloko, who founded the company, stated he was dismayed by Nigeria's continued dependence on foreign crops and saw an chance to increase home-grown agricultural production.

The industry is in the process of developing a stewardship management system for manufacturers, to enable more effective management and reporting on sustainable agricultural practices. This method will tackle five crucial areas: power management and greenhouse-gas; land-use and direction; ground as well as water; biodiversity; and feral animals and weeds. Australian red meat manufacturers actively undertake measures at each phase of creation to raise their efficiency, cut greenhouse gas emissions and handle other environmental impacts to help preserve our natural resources.

The national red meat industry invests more than $7.5 million each year in research and development (R&D) to find means to make persistent improvements to its environmental functionality. This comprises collaborating with other livestock businesses and governments in R&D to find practical ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while raising productiveness. Through holistic management of their properties, Australian farmers nurture not only their livestock but the trees, land, microorganisms, native creatures and plant life that make up their production system. Not only is this important for sustainable farms but it is important for Australia's quest to cut total emissions.

The SAI Program is an independent organization managing across the agriculture, food and fibre chain and plans to alter practices to improve agriculture sustainability outcomes. The Platform's business strategy is known as the 'PPPs' where three dimensions are considered - people, earnings and the planet.

Today, the world is searching for solutions to a series of global challenges unparalleled in their scale and complexity: food uncertainty, malnutrition, climate change, rural poverty, environmental protection all among them. With unprecedented interest in African agriculture, company and governments are moving towards harnessing the continent’s vast potential.

Australian agriculture is in a powerful position to satisfy the growing global demand for food. As an agricultural country with a strong focus on exports, Australia's farmers are consecrated to sustainable agricultural systems.

To continue to pick the long-term economic benefits of food production, Australia's farmers need to continue to innovate and invest in sustainable agriculture.